ELPEDISON Green Certificate Service

ELPEDISON cares about the environment and so offers to its business customers the ELPEDISON Green Certificate service.

ELPEDISON Green Certificate service is based on the Guarantees of Origin system (GOs), designed by the European Commission and managed by the Operator of RES & Guarantees of Origin (DAPEEP S.A.), that allows you to purchase “green” energy that is produced 100% from Renewable Energy Sources (RES).

With the ELPEDISON Green Certificate service, for every megawatthour (MWh) of electricity consumed, ELPEDISON will supply the same amount of Guarantees of Origin, which ELPEDISON secures with local renewable energy producers.

By selecting the ELPEDISON Green Certificate service, you will contribute to the financing of new RES installed capacity in Greece. Furthermore, you will have the opportunity to strengthen your Corporate Social Responsibility while reducing your energy footprint.