ELPEDISON Special Tariff for Business Γ22-Γ23


The ELPEDISON Special Tariff for Business Γ22-Γ23 is commercially available from 01/01/2024 in accordance with article 17 of Law 5066/2023 and the provisions specifically defined in Decision No. ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΗΕ/120637/2107 and refers both to commercial & industrial businesses with:

-Agreed capacity of 25 kVA and up to 250 kVA (Γ22)
-Differentiated consumption needs during the day and at night, regardless of the agreed supply power (Γ23)


By choosing the ELPEDISON Special Tariff for Business, you ensure: 

  • Return of the guarantee in case of payment by standing order
  • High-quality electronic services through the myELPEDISON app
Supply Charges
ELPEDISON Special Tariff for Business Γ22-Γ23
Energy Charges €/kWh
Monthly Fee (€)
April 2024

*For the Special Electricity Supply Tariff, based on article 17 of Law 5066/2023, as defined by Decision No. YΠΕΝ/ΔΗΕ/120637/2107, for the period January 2024-December 2024, the Final Supply Price will be announced by the first day of each consumption month, and results from the sum of the Basic Supply Price and the Variation Mechanism. See details below, in the relevant General and Special Terms form.

Prior to VAT and any other applicable taxes and levies.

  • See the terms of ELPEDISON Special Tariff for Business
To get ELPEDISON Special Tariff for Business Γ22-Γ23:
Necessary supporting documents
Photocopy of ID card or passport of Legal Representative

The latest electricity bill from the previous Supplier or the Network Connection Agreement with HEDNO for a new installation

For Natural Persons: Commencement of Business or General Commercial Registry Certificate 

For Legal Persons: Corporation Charter οr General Commercial Registry Certificate

Lease finalized through TAXIS or Proof of ownership 

Electricity meter reading